She Came Calling

She Came Calling

9.21.17, Thursday Some days our babies come calling.  Mine did today.  It’s been a tender time as I’ve been feeling sad, overwhelmed, and a bit disconnected from life.  I’m very aware that Acacia’s 8th anniversary dates of her birth and death are next...
Father’s Day and Baby Loss – Remembering Dad

Father’s Day and Baby Loss – Remembering Dad

Another family holiday upon us.  Father’s Day.  If you identify with the commercialized version of this holiday, the man or men in your life will be grilling, playing golf, fishing and being lazy and unhelpful.  I don’t know about you, but those...
Mother’s Day and Babyloss

Mother’s Day and Babyloss

Hi.  Aye.  This tender, tender time of Mother’s Day.  The commercials and ads miss so many of us… and I speak to those of us mothers who have lost a baby.  Those of us who had other plans for celebrating today with a baby growing, alive and well in our...